Linear Bounded Automaton (LBA) class in pykleene

states: set[str]
inputAlphabet: set[str]
tapeAlphabet: set[str]
startState: str
transitions: dict[tuple[str, str], tuple[str, str, str]]
leftEndMarker: str 
rightEndMarker: str
blankSymbol: str 
acceptState: str
rejectState: str


Initialize a new Linear Bounded Automaton with specified parameters.


  • states: Set of states in the LBA
  • inputAlphabet: Set of input symbols
  • tapeAlphabet: Set of tape symbols
  • startState: Initial state of the LBA
  • transitions: Mapping of state-symbol pairs to next state, write symbol, and direction
  • leftEndMarker: Marker for the left end of the tape
  • rightEndMarker: Marker for the right end of the tape
  • blankSymbol: Symbol used to represent empty tape cells
  • acceptState: State indicating successful computation
  • rejectState: State indicating failed computation

Return Value

Creates a new LBA object with specified configuration


Load LBA configuration from a JSON dictionary.

# Example
    "LBA_ADD": {
        "states": ["q0", "q1", "q2", "t", "r"],
        "inputAlphabet": ["0", "1"],
        "tapeAlphabet": ["0", "1", "#", "♭", "⊢", "⊣"],
        "startState": "q0",
        "transitions": [
            ["q0", "⊢", "q0", "⊢", "R"],
            ["q0", "1", "q0", "1", "R"],
            ["q0", "#", "q0", "1", "R"],
            ["q0", "♭", "q1", "♭", "L"],
            ["q1", "1", "q2", "♭", "L"],
            ["q2", "1", "q2", "1", "L"],
            ["q2", "⊢", "t", "⊢", "S"]
        "leftEndMarker": "⊢",
        "rightEndMarker": "⊣",
        "blankSymbol": "♭",
        "acceptState": "t",
        "rejectState": "r"


  • jsonDict: Dictionary containing LBA configuration

Return Value

Populates the LBA object with configuration from the dictionary


Validate the LBA configuration.



Return Value

Boolean indicating whether the LBA configuration is valid


Determine if a given string is accepted by the LBA.


  • inputString: Input string to be processed
  • verbose: Boolean to enable detailed computation tracing
  • tapeLenFunc: Function to determine tape length based on input length

Return Value

Tuple of (acceptance boolean, final tape contents)


Generate a graphical representation of the LBA.


  • dir: Directory to save the image
  • save: Boolean to determine if image should be saved
  • monochrome: Boolean to generate a black and white visualization

Return Value

Graphviz Digraph object representing the Linear Bounded Automaton